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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Bekah funny

I have a funny story to tell you!
We were in Chic-fil-a the other day (right in the midst of the holiday season) - I had Bekah with me and we were about to turn out and someone cut in front of me and acutally flipped me off! I couldn't believe it!! So I started pointed my finger and yelling, "SHAME ON YOU!!" Well, she had the nerve to flip me off again! So I am complaining about how rude this lady was and Bekah said, "Well, momma - what did you do?" I said, "Nothing at all!! It was that lady's fault." She replied, "Well momma - we are all sinners!"
Let's just say - I immediately calmed down!! HA!

Time Flies!

It has been FOREVER - I know FOREVER since I have posted anything on the blog - blame it on the holidays, my work or Facebook - but I promise I will do better. I have so so so much to post - I don't even know where to begin!! It may take some time - but I promise to have this blog back and running!!